P M Bhardwaj
Former MD/CMD of 4 PSU's National Level Motivational & Management Guru

P M Bhardwaj
Former MD/CMD of 4 PSU's National Level Motivational & Management Guru

Er Prakash Mohan Bhardwaj is B.Tech (Electrical Engineering) from MNNIT Allahabad of 1974 batch.
He is Fellow member of The Institution of Engineers (India).
He started his career as Management Trainee in 1975 in Govt. of India Psu Instrumentation Limited ,Kota and became CMD of IL Kota in 2012.
He was also MD of Mini Ratna Psu namely Rajasthan Electronics and Instruments Limited, Jaipur.
Additionally he was also CMD of 2 more PSU'S namely Hindustan Salts Ltd and Sambhar Salts Ltd.
He has 47 years of vast experience in technical field( 38 years service in Govt of India + 9 years as consultant )starting from Trainee to Departmental and Unit Head and finally MD /CMD of 4 PSU's.
He was also group MD of Arya group of colleges having 6 colleges pertaining to Engineering, Mba,Pharma , commerce and Arts and affiliated to AICTE and Rajasthan University etc.
During his 38 years service in 4 PSU's he contributed immensely in Power ,steel, chemical, Petrochemical, Refinary, cement and paper industry etc.
He contributed in saving of large foreign exchange by replacing imported designs with Indigenous designs.
He contributed a lot in National priority projects related to priority sectors mentioned above.
As MD of mini Ratna REIL he was instrumental in execution of world's bigest off grid Roof top Solar project (10MW) .
Because of his vast experience he contributed a lot in almost all department of Industry namely , Production, Quality control, Marketing, System Design, Materials Management , Research and Development, Engineering etc.
Additionally he is also.....
a.. National level Motivational and Management guru .
b.. Founder President of Bhardwaj Foundation, Jaipur..A NGO working actively for youth / Women/ Budding professionals Empowerment through Skill development, Personality development, Management, Spirituality etc.
C.. Former Member National level committee for internship of All India Council of Technical education
e.. Former Board member of Rajasthan ILD Skill University (BOA), Bhartiya skill development University (BOS) and presently BOS member of Manipal University ,Jaipur (BOS)
e.. Chief coordinator , Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce and Industry pertaining to Industry and Educational Institutions connect
f.. Chief advisor of Jaipur Management Association duly affiliated by All India Management Association
g.. Weekly columnist in famous newspaper Nafa Nuksan and under the column " Art of Management " and so for more than 335 articles have been published
h.. As Founder President of Bhardwaj Foundation Jaipur he has conducted more than 41 National level programs related to Industry and Educational institutions connect in highly reputed Universities and Educational groups.
i.. Former Member Industrial Advisory committee Government of India
Awards and Recognition.....
He has been awarded and recognized a number of times with Technical and Management Awards .
1.. Felicitation as Eminent Electrical Engineer in National convention of Electrical Engineering by The Institution if Engineers India.
2..Felicitation as Eminent Production Engineer in National convention of Production Engineering by The Institution if Engineers India.
3..National Level Motivational and Management guru award by Solidictory council of India. (JEWELS OF INDIA)