Shiv Bodhi
Writer & Educator
Shiv Bodhi is a visionary who has propelled Rajasthani Dalit literature into the contemporary spotlight. A gifted story writer, poet, critic, and researcher, he delves deep into the essence of Dalit life, society, and culture. As an educator, Shiv tirelessly advocates for the higher education of Rajasthan's deprived classes, empowering them with knowledge and hope for a brighter future.
12:00 PM (MV 2)
Wednesday 21st Jan
शिक्षा का अधिकार अधिनियम: चुनौतियां और समाधान
This talk show provides an in-depth analysis of the Right to Education Act, 2009. Panelists will discuss the key challenges encountered in its implementation, including infrastructural, pedagogical, and socio-economic barriers. The program will also offer potential solutions and policy recommendations for strengthening the RTE framework and achieving its objectives.