Priyanka Kapoor
Educator & Social Worker
Priyanka Kapoor is having 20 years’ experience in the
field of Education, health and social work. She is director of
Rishikul Vijay which is a CBSE affiliated Sr. Sec. School in
Malviya Nagar, Jaipur. She has also been advisor in many
government projects as leading public health consultant and
a renowned speaker for various training institutes of
Government of Rajasthan.
She is the founder member of the SPARSH Campaign which
aims at creating awareness in children on sensitive issues of
safe and unsafe touch.
As health consultant to the Government of Rajasthan, she
has designed and implemented many aspirational projects of
Medical and Health Department like 108 Ambulance Project with more than 1500 ambulances across the state, Bhamashah Swathya Bima Yojana for more than 1 crore families of the state, Mobile Medical Units for outreach areas with an objective to provide basic health services.
Having social connect and perspective back in heart and mind always, she found that incidents of physical abuse have become very common, especially with small kids. She along with his 2 like minded fellows, conceptualized and ran a campaign for awareness of children on Safe and unsafe touch in Rajasthan namely SPARSH. Under this campaign about 15 lakh children have been enlightened through above 7000 sessions in above 5500 schools of Rajasthan. On 26th,August 2023, SPARSH campaign played crucial and remarkable role in history made by School education department, more than 63 lakh children and teachers from 65 thousand schools learned about safe childhood in single day which is a world Record.
With aim to take her ideas about education reforms on ground along with her socio-economic sustainability, she is conceptualizing the idea about making primary education tinkering and incubation friendly by bringing Robotics and AI technology together.