Dr Seema Agrawal
Principal & HOD, ABST, Kanoria PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur

Dr. Seema Agrawal is a distinguished academician and administrator with 32 years of teaching experience in the field of commerce and management. Currently serving as the Principal and Head of the Department of Applied Business Studies and Taxation (ABST) at Kanoria P G Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur, she has authored/co-authored several textbooks and has been an active member of various academic and social associations. Her research expertise lies in funds management, income tax, tax planning, and corporate accounting.
1:30 PM (MV 1)
Wednesday 21st Jan
क्या AI आपकी नौकरी छीन लेगा
This talk show delves into the growing influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on the job market. Experts, industry leaders, and everyday individuals will explore whether AI is truly a threat to jobs or a gateway to new opportunities and possibilities. Discover the benefits, challenges, and how AI is shaping the future of work and employment.