
Dr Mahendra Madhup

Senior Agricultural Journalist

Senior Agricultural Journalist, founder of Mission Farmer Scientist Family, Host Credent Kisan, Former Editor, Sharad Krishi CITA(Hindi edition)

9:15 AM - 10:00 AM (Audi 1)

Saturday 20th Jan

Inauguration of the Jaipur Education summit

10:15 - 11:15 AM (Audi 1)

Saturday 20th Jan

Shyam Sunder Paliwal - Journey of Piplantri

The session is dedicated to the journey of Padma Shri Shyam Sunder Paliwal, the Father of Eco-Feminism. He is a social activist from Piplantri village in Rajasthan. He lost his daughter in 2006, since then 111 saplings are planted every time a girl child is born in Piplantri village.

1:30 PM-2:15 PM

Tuesday 23rd Jan

प्रकृति ही प्राण है

"Embark on an inspiring journey with environmentalists Naval Daga and Prasann Puri Goswami in the session 'प्रकृति ही प्राण है.' Uncover their remarkable stories and delve into a compelling talk on their dedicated work for nature. Join this impactful discussion, celebrating their efforts in preserving and advocating for the environment."

1:15 PM- 2:00 PM

Wednesday 24th Jan

कृषि में कैरियर की सम्भावनायें

"Unlock the vast possibilities in the field of agriculture with the session 'Career Opportunities in Agriculture.' Delve into the diverse avenues and potential careers in agribusiness, technology, research, and more. Join us to explore the rewarding and sustainable paths that a career in agriculture can offer for aspiring professionals."

3:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Wednesday 24th Jan

जल, जंगल और जीवन

"Embark on a transformative journey in the session 'Water, Forests, and Life.' Renowned environmentalists Padma Shri Himmata Ram Bhambhu and Padma Shri Sunda Ram Verma will share their inspiring journeys. Explore the vital connection between nature and existence, gaining insights from their remarkable experiences in environmental conservation."